J (Jill) Stigter

Erasmus School of Law

PhD candidate | Criminology

More information


  • Jill Stigter (2023) - "We just want to live a life in dignity": De ervaringen van people-on-the-move met de schadelijke gevolgen van het EU en Grieks migratiebeleid (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Jill Stigter (2023) - “We just want to live a life in dignity” A narrative analysis of the lived experiences from people-on-the-move with harm resulting from migration control practices in Greece and the EU (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic

  • Jill Stigter (2024) - 2023 Han Entzinger Award for Best Master Thesis on Migration

News regarding J (Jill) Stigter

Tackling hardening in prisons requires a new long-term security vision

A study on the impact of combating undermining crime on the Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI).
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