Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
External PhD candidate | Department of Business-Society Management
More information
- Jan Anton van Zanten & Maria Putintseva (2025) - Evaluating governmental policies for the sustainable development goals using hierarchical clustering - International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology - doi: 10.1080/13504509.2024.2448669 - [link]
- Jan Anton van Zanten & Bruno Rein (2023) - Who owns (un)sustainable companies? Examining institutional determinants of sustainable investing - Journal of Cleaner Production, 422 - doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138542 - [link]
- JAP (Jan Anton) van Zanten & Rob van Tulder (2021) - Improving companies' impacts on sustainable development: A nexus approach to the SDGS - Business Strategy and the Environment, 30 (8), 3703-3720 - doi: 10.1002/bse.2835 - [link]
- Jan Anton van Zanten (2021) - Business in the Age of Sustainable Development
- JAP (Jan Anton) van Zanten, Bhavya Sharma & Malene Christensen (2021) - Sustainability integration for sovereign debt investors: engaging with countries on the SDGs - Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment - doi: 10.1080/20430795.2021.1929806 - [link]
- D Blitz, Laurens Swinkels & JAP (Jan Anton) van Zanten (2021) - Does sustainable investing deprive unsustainable firms of fresh capital? - Journal of Impact and ESG Investing, 1 (3), 10-25 - doi: 10.3905/jesg.2021.1.012 - [link]
- Jan Anton van Zanten & Rob van Tulder (2020) - Towards nexus-based governance: defining interactions between economic activities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 28 (3), 1-18 - doi: 10.1080/13504509.2020.1768452 - [link]
- Rianne Asperen, Rob van Tulder, L Lucht & Jan Anton van Zanten (2016) - The Dawn of a New Era? - Max Havelaar Lecture 2015 - [link]
- Rob van Tulder & Jan Anton van Zanten (18 May 2021) - World-class speakers to headline at conference: corporate leadership for sustainability
- Rob van Tulder & Jan Anton van Zanten (11 November 2020) - Guest Article: Three SDG Logics for Transformation Beyond COVID-19
- Rob van Tulder & Jan Anton van Zanten (14 July 2020) - Guest Article: Research Maps Interactions between Economic Activities and SDG Targets
- Rob van Tulder & Jan Anton van Zanten (30 June 2020) - Linking economic activities with the SDGs