Irene van Staveren (1963) is professor of pluralist development economics at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Professor van Staveren's theoretical interest is in a wide variety of economic theories, including feminist economics, social economics, institutional economics, the capability approach and post-Keynesian economics. Her key research interest is at the meso level of the economy with topics such as social cohesion, social exclusion, inequality and discrimination, social norms, as well as ethics and values in the economy and in economics. She is project leader of the online database Indices of Social Development. In addition, van Staveren is member of the think tank Sustainable Finance Lab and columnist for the Dutch newspaper Trouw. She published in 2015 a pluralist economics textbook with Routledge, titled Economics after the Crisis - an introduction to economics from a pluralist and global perspective. She turned this book into a mooc (massive open online course) on the platform Coursera, and it has achieved over 70,000 learners worldwide: Introduction to Economic Theories. More recently (in 2021), she published an accessible overview of the insights of ten almost forgotten economists outside the mainstream: Alternative Ideas from Ten (Almost) Forgotten Economists.
More information
- Irene van Staveren (2025) - Economie buiten de gebaande paden - Tijdschrift voor het Economisch Onderwijs, 1, 4-7 - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2024) - De vrije markt bestaat niet: Naar een economie van verbinding - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2024) - Normative empirical concepts–a practical guiding tool for economists - Journal of Economic Methodology, 31 (3), 161-176 - doi: 10.1080/1350178X.2024.2376557 - [link]
- Irene van Staveren, Jimena Pacheco-Miranda & Sanchita Bakshi (2024) - Data note for cross-country data on social cohesion and Covid-19 - Journal of Applied Economics, 27 (1) - doi: 10.1080/15140326.2024.2364163 - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2024) - How Institutional Economics May Support the Analysis of Individual and Collective Capabilities - Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 25 (2), 206-231 - doi: 10.1080/19452829.2024.2334415
- Irene van Staveren (2024) - Book Review: A Herstory of Economics by Edith Kuiper: (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2022. 214 pp. ISBN: 9781509538423) - Feminist Economics, 30 (1), 278-282 - doi: 10.1080/13545701.2024.2304859
- Irene van Staveren (2023) - The Paradox of Resilience and Efficiency - Journal of Economic Issues, 57 (3), 808-813 - doi: 10.1080/00213624.2023.2237861 - [link]
- Jimena Pacheco Miranda, Sanchita Bakshi & Irene Van Staveren (2023) - Surviving together: social cohesion and Covid-19 infections and mortality across the world - Critical Public Health, 33 (5), 553-565 - doi: 10.1080/09581596.2023.2232526 - [link]
- Jimena Pacheco Miranda, Sanchita Bakshi & Irene van Staveren (2022) - Surviving Together: social cohesion and Covid-19 across the world
- Irene van Staveren (2021) - Migraine and stress—an exploratory cross-country study of external stress factors - BMC Research Notes, 14 (1), 1-6 - doi: 10.1186/s13104-021-05587-8 - [link]
- IP (Irene) van Staveren (2021) - Measurement of well-being - [link]
- IP (Irene) van Staveren (2021) - Beleidslessen van een heterodoxe econoom - Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 106 (4795S) - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2021) - Alternative Ideas from 10 (Almost) Forgotten Economists - doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-57609-7 - [link]
- EM Sent & Irene van Staveren (2020) - De keukentafel en de keukendeur – klassenverschillen in de verdeling van huishoudelijke arbeid - Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 23 (2), 143-161 - doi: 10.5117/TVGN2020.2.004.SENT - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2020) - De professor als proefkonijn – een hoopvol perspectief op migraine - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2020) - Economic Perspectives from the Global South and Why they Matter for Economics Worldwide - International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 11 (1), 5-23 - doi: 10.1504/IJPEE.2020.109491 - [link]
- M Frusch, A Kierkels, K Maas, W Nuijts, Mathilde Sanders - van Balkom, Irene van Staveren & R van Tilburg (2020) - Financieren met Purpose - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2020) - Post-Covid Economy Beyond Capitalism - Green European Journal, october, 1-5 - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (2020) - The Misdirection of Bankers’ Moral Compass in the Organizational Field of Banking - Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44 (3), 507-526 - doi: 10.1093/cje/bez052 - [link]
- Irene van Staveren (26 November 2024) - Naar een economie van verbinding
- Irene van Staveren (22 November 2024) - De vrije markt bestaat helemaal niet
- Irene van Staveren (22 July 2024) - de cultuur van de economie
- Irene van Staveren (26 June 2024) - Dogmatische mainstream economen zijn een rare sekte
- Irene van Staveren (25 December 2023) - Blog with book review of 'Limitarianism'
- Irene van Staveren (18 July 2023) - Economists in open letter to the UN: do something about growing inequality quickly
- Irene van Staveren & Rolph van der Hoeven (18 July 2023) - 200+ Senior Economists Ask UN, World Bank to Act Against Extreme Global Inequalities
- Irene van Staveren (19 June 2023) - Letter: 150+ economists and experts call on Paris Summit leaders to redirect trillions from fossils, debt, and the 1%.
- Irene van Staveren & Rolph van der Hoeven (14 January 2023) - 182 Experts Call For Debt Cancellation But Private Investors Play Hardball
- Irene van Staveren & Rolph van der Hoeven (13 January 2023) - Statement by academics on dealing with Sri Lankan debt, January 2023
- Irene van Staveren & Rolph van der Hoeven (10 January 2023) - International academics speak out on dealing with Sri Lankan debt
- Irene van Staveren & Rolph van der Hoeven (9 January 2023) - Sri Lanka bond holders earned high returns, should now take the hit: Picketty, academics
- Irene van Staveren & Rolph van der Hoeven (8 January 2023) - Statement by academics on dealing with Sri Lankan debt, January 2023
- Irene van Staveren (16 December 2022) - Did social closeness beat covid?
- IP (Irene) van Staveren (1 November 2021) - Book review in professional magazine
- IP (Irene) van Staveren (1 July 2021) - Hoe het kapitalisme met de markt aan de haal ging
- Irene van Staveren (2022) - Surviving Together: Social Cohesion and Covid-19 – a Cross-Country Analysis (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Irene van Staveren (2022) - Online data collection for gender analysis (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Irene van Staveren (2015) - Rethinking Economics NL (External organisation) (Chair)
Activity: Membership of board › Professional - Irene Staveren, A Oduro & C Grown (2015) - Feminist Economics (Journal) (Editor)
Activity: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Irene Staveren (2014) - Bankcultuur (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Irene Staveren (2014) - De moraliserende overheid – is big brother nudging you? (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Irene Staveren (2014) - De verleiding weerstaan - aanbieding aan minister Schippers (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Irene van Staveren (2011) - Sustainable Finance Lab (External organisation) (Member)
Activity: Membership of board › Professional - Irene Staveren (2011) - 'Lehman Sisters & Morality in the Netherlands: Behaviour in the Financial Sector during the Crisis'. (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Irene Staveren (2011) - An Exploratory Cross-Country Analysis of Gendered Institutions¿ (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- IP (Irene) van Staveren (2015) - Thomas Divine Lifetime Achievement Award
- IP (Irene) van Staveren (2010) - NIAS Fellowhsip
- IP (Irene) van Staveren (2000) - Gunnar Myrdal Prize
Dagblad Trouw DPG
- Start date approval
- December 2022
- End date approval
- December 2025
- Place
- Description
- Columnist Trouw 1 x per 2 weken
Stichting Rethinking Economics NL
- Start date approval
- December 2022
- End date approval
- December 2025
- Place
Stichting Sustainable Finance Lab
- Start date approval
- December 2022
- End date approval
- December 2025
- Place
1106 Introduction to Economic Theories
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ISS-1106-24-25
5401 Research Paper
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ISS-5401-24-25
2101 The Making of Development
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ISS-2101-24-25
Board of Examiners
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ISS-BOE-24-25
Major SPD
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ISS-SPD-24-25
General Information
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
3105 Research Paper Preparation
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ISS-3105-24-25