Irene van Oorschot is an assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Her current research focus is on practices of climate adaptation and mitigation in everyday life and within environmental management practices specifically. Her recent Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (KU Leuven) investigated the circulation of the promissory notion of 'ecological resilience' in national and supranational policy, while her current Veni (Dutch Research Council) ethnographically explores how this notion of 'resilience' is practiced by front-line environmental managers. She is interested in particular in the way the reality of climate change is shifting practices of ecological valuing, and is generative of new knowledges as well as uncertainties. Informed by Science and Technology Studies and the environmental humanities, she examines how 'resilience' in an age of climate crisis is generative of novel modes of caring for the environments. In a similar vein she was the PI on a one-year research project 'Sensing Change' (funded by the NGO Rotterdams Weerwoord), which explored how Rotterdam citizens sense, and make sense of, climate change in their everyday lives.
Previously, she has worked on a variety of topics, focusing specifically on the everyday production and mobilization of knowledges and judgments. Her recent monograph with Cambridge University Press, The Law Multiple: Judgment and Knowledge in Practice (2021) offers an ethnographically based and conceptually rich account of legal practices and sociological knowledges. She has also published on the production of (genetic) difference in forensics and law for journals such as BioSocieties and Social & Legal Studies.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Irene van Oorschot & Sophie van Balen (2024) - Sensing and making sense of climate change in Western European urban setting: Bodily exposures, uncertain epistemologies, and climatic care practices - Sociological Review - doi: 10.1177/00380261241274874
- Irene van Oorschot, Giorgio Touburg, Alexander Strelkov & Gabriele Jacobs (2024) - Grounds for Cooperation in the Radicalisation Governance Milieu?: A Qualitative Exploration of Stakeholder Issue Frames of Online Radicalisation - Perspectives on Terrorism, 18 (3), 135-151 - doi: 10.19165/2024.7550
- Irene van Oorschot, Sophie van Balen & Annelies Kuijpers (2024) - Panel: In the wake of ecological disaster: Navigating pasts and generating futures - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot & Sophie van Balen (2023) - De antipolitiek van klimaatrichtlijnen - [link]
- Sophie van Balen & Irene van Oorschot (2023) - Weathering the Modern Tempest
- Irene van Oorschot & Sophie van Balen (2023) - Sensing change, changing sense: Exploring Sensational Epistemologies for Transdisciplinary Practice
- Jess Bier, Jiska Engelbert, Zouhair Hammana, Vatan Huzeir, Irene van Oorschot, Willem Schinkel & Rogier van Reekum (2022) - ‘Het CvB kiest voor geweld tegen studenten: wat leert dat ons?’ - Erasmus Magazine - [link]
- Sophie van Balen & Irene van Oorschot (2022) - Exposure to the urban climate: Attunement, weathering, and atmospheric care - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot & Amade M’charek (2021) - Keeping race at bay: familial DNA research, the ‘Turkish Community,’ and the pragmatics of multiple collectives in investigative practice - BioSocieties, 16 (4), 553-573 - doi: 10.1057/s41292-021-00246-4 - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot (2021) - The Law Multiple: Judgment and Knowledge in Practice - doi: 10.1017/9781108859981
- Irene van Oorschot (2020) - Culture, Milieu, Phenotype: Articulating Race in Judicial Sense-making Practices - Social and Legal Studies, 29 (6), 790-811 - doi: 10.1177/0964663920907992 - [link]
- Willem Schinkel, Marguerite van den Berg, S Bracke, Irene van Oorschot, Rogier van Reekum & Jess Bier (2020) - Academici zijn geen ‘vitale beroepsgroep’ - Science Guide - [link]
- Virginie Servant-Miklos & Irene van Oorschot (2020) - Collaboration, reflection and imagination: Re-thinking assessment in pbl education for sustainability - [link]
- Rogier van Reekum, Marguerite van den Berg, Irene van Oorschot, Willem Schinkel, Jess Bier & S Bracke (2020) - Zonder plan geen serieus universitair onderwijs in september - Science Guide - [link]
- A M'charek & Irene van Oorschot (2019) - What About Race? - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot & Peter Mascini (2018) - Cases under construction - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot (2018) - Ways of case-making - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot & Peter Mascini (2018) - Cases under construction - doi: 10.4337/9781785362750 - [link]
- Irene van Oorschot (2018) - Doing Times, Doing Truths: The Legal Case File as a Folded Object - doi: 10.4324/9781315167695 - [link]
- Jeff Handmaker, Isabel Awad Cherit, Layal Chaker, Irene van Oorschot, Federica Violi & Rima Rassi (2024) - Gaza and Lebanon: One year on(going) (Participant)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Isabel Awad Cherit, Irene van Oorschot, Jeff Handmaker & Gabriele Helfert (2024) - Towers of Ivory and Steel: Scrutinising our university's complicities and possibilities (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Popular - Sophie van Balen & Irene van Oorschot (2023) - Everyday Ingenuities (Participant)
Activity: Attending an event › Academic - Irene Oorschot & Willem Schinkel (2015) - Het dossier als grensobject: Allo- en autoreferentie in het strafrecht (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Irene Oorschot (2014) - Case Files in Action: Folding and Unfolding Practices in Legal Truth-finding (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Irene Oorschot (2014) - Ironie als Situatie: Saint Orlan's Lichaamskunst (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - Irene Oorschot (2014) - Sociologie (Journal) (Editor)
Activity: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Irene Oorschot (2013) - 'Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?' Feministische Kennis- en Wetenschapskritiek (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
3.2 Sociologische vraagstukken 6
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-S3020