(Hilde) HB Harmsen, MA


Hilde Harmsen studied History of Society at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Human Geography at the Utrecht University. Her MA thesis is titled Verf en Vrede. Visuele uitingen van identiteit in Belfast ten tijde van het Noord-Ierse vredesproces  (Paint and Peace. Visual expressions of identity in Belfast during the Northern Ireland peace process).

She worked for three years as a project officer in the field of spatial planning, where she conducted exploratory policy research on vacancy and reallocation, commissioned by the Rijksadviseur voor Cultureel Erfgoed (National Advisor for Cultural Heritage). She also worked as a policy maker at the municipality of Rotterdam.

Since March, 2011, Hilde Harmsen is a Phd student and lecturer (docent-promovendus) at the Erasmus School for History, Culture and Communication working on the project ‘Technological innovation in children’s books during the first phase of the Cold War, 1945 – 1970’. 

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

External PhD candidate | Department of History
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

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