Harry Commandeur is a professor of industrial economics and business at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). Professor Commandeur's research examines the relationship between market structure, corporate strategy and firm performance. His research has appeared in major academic journals including the *Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, Industrial Marketing Management, Vaccines, European Journal of Marketing, Total Quality Management* and the *Journal of Business Logistics*. Professor Commandeur is currently full professor of industrial economics and business economics at the Erasmus School of Economics and Managing Director of Erasmus University Rotterdam Holding B.V. He is also Advisor to the Executive Board of the Eramus University Rotterdam. He held faculty positions at Nyenrode University in Breukelen (The Netherlands) (1998-2014), The Vlerick School of Management in Ghent (Belgium) (1995-2001). Professor Commandeur studied Business Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has several positions in supervisory boards in public as well as in the private sector.
More information
- Nick Benschop, Arno L.P. Nuijten, Mark Keil, Kristinka Wilmink & Harry R. Commandeur (2023) - The Effect of Project Names on Escalation of Commitment in Information Systems Projects - Project Management Journal, 54 (4), 349-365 - doi: 10.1177/87569728231166925 - [link]
- Henri Slob, Paul van Geest & Harry Commandeur (2023) - Caring for relations and organizational success—conceptualization of an Augustinian leadership scale - Frontiers in Psychology, 14 - doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1170855
- Henri Slob, Harry Commandeur & Paul van Geest (2022) - Leiderschap in de geest van Augustinus: een florerende gemeenschap met duurzaam succes - [link]
- Martijn Hendriks, Martijn Burger & Harry Commandeur (2022) - The influence of CEO compensation on employee engagement - Review of Managerial Science, 17 (2), 607-633 - doi: 10.1007/s11846-022-00538-4 - [link]
- Lisanne Veter, Harry Commandeur, Jatinder Sidhu & Henk Volberda (2021) - CEO Femininity, Masculinity, and Organizational Outcomes: The Effect on Corporate Social Performance - doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11168abstract
- Nick Benschop, ALP Nuijten, M Keil, Kirsten Rohde, JS Lee & Harry Commandeur (2021) - Construal level theory and escalation of commitment - Theory and Decision, 91 (1), 135-151 - doi: 10.1007/s11238-020-09794-w - [link]
- Harry Commandeur, G Buijs, J Rupert, Emre Karali & H Slot (2021) - Agapè in Bedrijf: Een praktisch raamwerk voor leiding geven
- Harry Commandeur, J Rupert, Henri Slob, Emre Karali, Joost Hengstmengel, Govert Buijs, C Van der Kooi & Paul van Geest (2021) - Agapè/Caritas in bedrijf: Een praktisch raamwerk voor leidinggevenden
- Harry Commandeur & M de Bruijn (2020) - Bouwstenen voor Universiteitsbestuurders. Zeven tijdloze en actuele principes
- AJ Biemond, H Slob & Harry Commandeur (2020) - De bedrijfseconoom moet mee met de tijdsgeest - Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 105, 90-91 - [link]
- Paul van Geest, Joyce Rupert, Joost Hengstmengel, Harry Commandeur & Ard Jan Biemond (2020) - De onvolkomenheid van de mens en het streven naar perfectie - [link]
- H Slob, Emre Karali & Harry Commandeur (2020) - It must be love. Liefde als deugd van de leider
- H Slob, Emre Karali & Harry Commandeur (2020) - Liefde als grondslag voor deugdzaam leiden. - M en O, 2 (3)
- AL Bovenberg, J Rupert, Joost Hengstmengel, P van Geest & Harry Commandeur (2020) - Simultaan Belangen Behartigen - [link]
- Michelle Hendriks, Martijn Burger, JA (Antoinette) Rijsenbilt, E Pleeging & Harry Commandeur (2020) - Virtuous leadership: A source of employee well-being and trust - Management Research Review, 43 (8), 951-970 - doi: 10.1108/MRR-07-2019-0326
- P van Geest, J Rupert, Joost Hengstmengel, AJ Biemond & Harry Commandeur (2019) - De onvolkomenheid van de mens & Het streven naar perfectie - [link]
- Paul van Geest & Harry Commandeur (12 July 2023) - Erasmus University Medical Center Researchers Discuss Findings in Psychology (Caring for relations and organizational success-conceptualization of an Augustinian leadership scale)
- Harry Commandeur (7 June 2023) - Researcher at Erasmus University Medical Center Publishes Research in Data Systems (The Effect of Project Names on Escalation of Commitment in Information Systems Projects)
- N (Nick) Benschop, ALP Nuijten, Mark Keil, KIM (Kirsten) Rohde, Jong Seok Lee & HR (Harry) Commandeur (2020) - Springer Science+Business Media (Publisher) (Editor)
Activity: Publication Peer-review › Academic - E Kaptein, Henk Volberda & Harry Commandeur (2002) - Exploration-Exploitation Orientation: A Coevolutionary Perspective (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - E Kaptein, Henk Volberda & Harry Commandeur (2002) - EXPLOR: A measure of exploration orientation. (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - E Kaptein, Henk Volberda & Harry Commandeur (2001) - Exploration-exploitation orientation (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - E Kaptein, EJ Nijssen & Harry Commandeur (2000) - On the organization mission construct: Its antecedents and consequences. (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - Harry Commandeur (1999) - De betekenis van increasing returns voor managementvraagstukken (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Harry Commandeur, JC Hoekstra & Kristof de Wulf (1998) - Determinants of direct mail effectiveness in business-to-business markets (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Harry Commandeur, S Hart, EJ Hultink & N Tzikas (1998) - How Dutch and UK industrial companies steer their new product development processes (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Jatinder Sidhu, EJ Nijssen & Harry Commandeur (1998) - The mission construct, antecedents and consequences. (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional
Silk Road Partners
- Start date approval
- July 2022
- End date approval
- May 2025
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- Description
- Raad van Advies
Supply Chain Management
- Year Level
- bachelor 3, bachelor 3