Gijs van Oenen (1959) is associate professor in practical philosophy at Erasmus School of Philosophy. Van Oenen studied Political Science at the University of Amsterdam and obtained his Master’s degree in 1986. He received his PhD from the University of Amsterdam in 1994, with a dissertation on legal philosophy.
Dr. van Oenen has worked at the Haarlem Polytechnic, the University of Amsterdam, Webster University Leiden and the Academy for Architecture Rotterdam. He joined Erasmus University in 1994. His research focuses on political theory, rule of law, 'gedogen' (forebearance), multiculturalism, architecture, (art and) public space and interpassivity.
From 2007 until 2013, he was head of the research programme Interpassive metal fatigue, sponsored by the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). In this project, the hypothesis is that people in modern democracy cannot manage to live up to our own promise of emancipated life, because the incessant democratic interaction and rational consent that modern society exacts from us, is becoming ‘too much of a good thing’ for us. Symptoms of this condition are starting to show up, in the form of e.g. aversion, capsularization, detachment, disinterest and outsourcing. The research project aimed to track down and analyse the symptoms of interpassivity in three main areas of modern social life: politics and governance; labour and economics; citizenship and public space.
Van Oenen plays an active role in academic as well as in public political, social and philosophical debates.
More information can be found on:
More information
- Gijs van Oenen (2024) - Onbegrepen overheid: Tegendraads denken over de staat - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2022) - Modern citizenship as civil disobedience 3.0 - doi: 10.4337/9781800889330.00029 - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2022) - Culturele veldslagen: Filosofie van de culture wars - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2020) - Krisis breekt uit: identiteit, politiek, cultuur - Krisis, 40 (1), 26-35 - doi: 10.21827/KRISIS.40.1.36973 - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2019) - Menselijk zelfverstaan in tijden van democratie - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2019) - De Nashville-verklaring. Over Bijbelse seksualiteit en modern zelfbegrip - Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid, 10 (2), 17-32 - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2019) - De rekening van Srebrenica - NRC Handelsblad, (27 juli 2019) - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2019) - Twee zielen in een borst - Filosofie en Praktijk, 40, 86-93
- Gijs van Oenen (2018) - Bestuursrecht in tijden van democratie en populisme: Drie uitdagingen - Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht (NTB), (33), 198-200 - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (2018) - Overspannen democratie. Hoge verwachtingen, paradoxale gevolgen - [link]
- Gijs van Oenen (4 December 2022) - Gijs van Oenen wants to be a peacemaker on the battlefield of the ‘culture wars’
- Gijs Oenen (2 April 2019) - Freedom of religion and belief
- Gijs van Oenen (19 February 2019) - Annual Geuzenpenning granted to Padre Solalinde
- Gijs Oenen (1 January 2019) - Democratie en emancipatie
- Gijs Oenen (24 May 2018) - Nog meer democratie? Nee!
- Gijs Oenen (23 May 2018) - Democratie
- Gijs Oenen (9 April 2016) - Spijkers met koppen
- Gijs Oenen (7 April 2016) - We willen helemaal geen democratie
- Gijs Oenen (8 June 2013) - afschuiven van verantwoordelijkheid
- Gijs Oenen (1 January 2012) - Nu even niet
- Gijs Oenen (2020) - Grenzen aan de democratie (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - Gijs Oenen (2019) - Overcoming algorithmic anxiety (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - Gijs Oenen (2019) - Kleine genealogie van het stuntelende volk (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - Gijs Oenen (2019) - In the poorest thing superfluous (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - Gijs Oenen (2018) - De plasticiteit van representatie (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - Gijs Oenen (2018) - Blockchain en algoritmisch gezag (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - Gijs Oenen (2018) - (Il)liberale democracy (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - Gijs Oenen (2018) - Overspannen democratie (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - Gijs Oenen (2018) - Overspannen democratie (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - Gijs Oenen (2018) - Overspannen democratie (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular
- Stefano Puntoni, Gijs van Oenen, Stefan Philipsen & Erlis Themeli (2018) - The impact of Artificial Intelligence on dispute resolution
Politics and Critique
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-BA1108
MA Central
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-MA000
Theatre of the Human
- Level
- Bachelor 3
- Year Level
- Bachelor 3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-ED3018
Second Degree Thesis
- Level
- Bachelor 3
- Year Level
- Bachelor 3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-DD3198
Representation, the People and Democracy
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-MA0006
Social and Political Philosophy
- Year Level
- Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-PF1010
Master Thesis Philosophy
- Level
- Master 1
- Year Level
- Master 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FW-AFS4200