(Fiorella) F Macchiavello Ferradas


Fiorella Macchiavello is a PhD researcher in a Joint Degree between ISS and UnB, University of Brasilia, funded by the PrInt Program from the Brazilian Federal Foundation for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education - CAPES.

At UnB she undertakes the postgraduate course of Geography with the supervision of Prof.Dr. Juscelino E. Bezerra.

Currently at ISS-Erasmus, she participates in the Civic Innovation (CI) research group and is also part of the GOLLs project, Governance of Labor and Logistics for Sustainability, coordinated by Dr Lee Pegler.

Fiorella is an economist and her study proposal is to discuss in what way ports (seeing as mega enterprises) can be a mechanism for improving local and regional development (or not) and how this could be further stimulated (or not) by the new partnership with the Rotterdam Authority in Brazil.
The main question that moves her research is discussing development in emergent countries within the background of global production networks.

Her Master´s Degree was related to the urban and social development in El Alto, Bolivia and during her graduation, she was a researcher at the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

With 15 years of working in different types of research, she has a background as a consultant for NGOs on subjects related to socioeconomic studies, social movements, labour unions, tripartite working groups with the Brazilian government, entrepreneurs, and civil society. She advised the National Port Federation while working at The Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socio-Economic Studies (DIEESE), where she worked for 7 years.
Within academia, her researches have been focused upon Economic and Urban Development, Inequality, Latin American Integration, Migration, and Third Sector.

International Institute of Social Studies

External PhD candidate | ISS PhD
Kortenaerkade 12, 's - Gravenhage

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