Elske van den Hoogen is a PhD candidate at the department of Public Administration & Sociology. She is currently involved in Prof. dr. Willem de Koster’s VIDI project 'Curious constellations of political attitudes'. Within this project, Elske aims at developing a better understanding of public attitudes on the European Union (EU) by analysing how citizens ascribe meaning to the institution. Using an innovative multi-method approach – combining qualitative in-depth interviews with survey research – she aims to uncover these meanings, and, thus, explain why seemingly opposing groups often share attitudes on the EU.
Besides public attitudes on the EU, Elske’s further research interests include political communication and populism.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
External PhD candidate | Governance and Pluralism
More information
- Elske van den Hoogen (2024) - Popular understandings of the European Union: A meaning-centred mixed-methods study
- Elske van den Hoogen, Willem de Koster & Jeroen van der Waal (2022) - What does the EU actually mean to citizens?: An in-depth study of Dutch citizens' understandings and evaluations of the European Union - Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), 60 (5), 1432-1448 - doi: 10.1111/jcms.13314 - [link]
- Elske van den Hoogen, Stijn Daenekindt, Willem de Koster & Jeroen van der Waal (2022) - Support for European Union membership comes in various guises: Evidence from a correlational class analysis of novel Dutch survey data - European Union Politics, 23 (3), 489-508 - doi: 10.1177/14651165221101505 - [link]