AM (Angelica Maria) Ocampo Talero


As a Colombian scholar, since 1994 my research has focused on the everyday political practices of young men and women in their search and struggles for social transformation. At the same time, I have always attempted to articulate my commitment to transformative and interdisciplinary research with my teaching in social psychology issues and my role as advisor on matters related to youth policies and political education.

Currently, after a year of accompanying some peasant communities in the Colombian region of Sur de Bolívar, one of the most-conflict-affected areas in the country, my doctoral research has assumed new horizons. It is now focused on the analysis of specific political processes within which different generations of peasant men and women have resisted the armed conflict and transformed their subjective experiences of "the state". Particular attention is paid to generational and gendered intersectional positionality in historically situated conditions of statehood. Within this framework, the research also explores the challenges for the current generation of young peasants and others in their communities as they seek to achieving durable peace at the local level.

International Institute of Social Studies

External PhD candidate | ISS PhD

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