Ana Victoria Portocarrero is a Nicaraguan feminist economist, with a BA in economics and a master degree in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. Ana Victoria is currently working on the intersections between climate change policies, food sovereignty and trade, focusing on the Central American Region.
She is particularly interested in the ecological and political economy dimensions of the discourses and practices of climate change policy, particularly in unveiling and destabilizing the dominant and hegemonic logic from which this discourse and practice is built: anthropocentrism, androcentrism, liberalism and developmentalism.
She is looking at the ways in which these logics justify and perpetrate the social and economic exclusion of minoritized groups, particularly rural women, indigenous communities, and the poor in general.
International Institute of Social Studies
More information
- Ana Victoria Portocarrero Lacayo (2024) - Care is the new radical: food and climate approaches from a peasant feminist perspective - Journal of Peasant Studies, 51 (6), 1285-1302 - doi: 10.1080/03066150.2024.2306987 - [link]
- Silke Heumann, Ana Portocarrero Lacayo & C Antillón (2019) - Diálogo: Cuerpos Transgéneros como Sujetos del Feminismo: Conversación y Análisis sobre la Inclusión de Personas y Políticas Trans en el Movimiento Feminista Nicaragüense - Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios Sociales, 15, 9-40 - [link]
- Des Gasper, Ana Portocarrero Lacayo & AL St. Clair (2013) - An analysis of the Human Development Report 2011 : sustainability and equity : a better future for all - South African Journal on Human Rights, 29 (1), 91-124 - [link]