Warm Sweater Day at Erasmus University

Warme Truiendag op Erasmus Universiteit

On the university campus, the heat will be turned down by 2 degrees on Friday, February 6th, 2015. Erasmus University Rotterdam is once again participating in Warm Sweater Day (Warme Truiendag), the national initiative to save energy. At Erasmus University, this will result in energy savings of 12 percent.

On Friday, February 6th the central heating on campus Woudestein will be turned down by two degrees, from 21 to 19 degrees Celsius. That day, the university uses 12 percent less energy than on a normal day, or 2.1 tonnes of CO2. The energy savings to be realized on February 6 at the university is equivalent to nearly 60 percent of the annual energy consumption of an average Dutch household.

Students and staff will be asked to wear something warm on Friday. They can provide tips and suggestions to save energy. On campus, there will be an inflatable polar bear to bring awareness to climate change and to point out the impact saving energy can have. There is also an opportunity to take part in the Warm Sweater Day photo album

Sustainable campus
Erasmus University participates in Warm Sweater Day for the third time. The university wants to become one of the most sustainable campuses in the Netherlands. Goal is a CO2 emissions reduction by a total of 30 percent. The new campus of Erasmus University has several sustainable measures such as solar panels, green roofs and Dutch wind energy. In addition, the EUR is actively involved in scientific research into sustainability. An overview of sustainability activities at the Woudestein Campus can be found via www.eur.nl/sustainable.

Warm Sweater Day at Erasmus University is an initiative of the recently opened Erasmus Sustainability Hub.

About Warm Truiendag
Warm Sweater Day takes place around the time of the anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol. This Protocol, which came into force in 2005, is aimed at reducing the global emissions of greenhouse gases, which causes climate change. Warm Truiendag reminds everyone of this treaty.

More information

Germain Fraser, E fraser@abd.eur.nl  or erasmussustainabilityhub@gmail.com

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