The measures have been tightened as of 23 March. As university, we are investigating what this means for the education to our students, and the tasks of EUR's staff members. Yet, first of all, we would like to state the following sincerely: Whether you are a student or an employee, we understand that this situation will present significant consequences to you. We empathise deeply with each of you.
We appreciate everyone's significant efforts to continue their studies and/or work from home. As such, we are determined to organise our education and manage day-to-day business in the best possible way for you, under these circumstances.

Below, you will find a summary of the currently known consequences of the government measures on EUR.
Online education
EUR will offer online education until 1 June. By extending this period, we aim to guarantee the quality and continuity of our education. This applies to all Dutch universities. Some universities have already announced that they will solely offer online education, until the summer holidays. This does not apply to EUR. If the opportunity arises to start offering on-campus education earlier on, we will pursue this.
Working from home
Currently, we are working from home to help containing the coronavirus pandemic. This new situation requires a lot of adjustments from many of you: a different workplace, a different schedule, different means of communication, a different daily schedule, new challenges regarding work/life balance, and different forms of intercollegiate communication. It has been already clear that everyone - except those involved in critical processes - works from home. You can learn more about the support we offer on MyEur and on, under the heading 'Staff members'.
PhD defences and exams
In general, PhD ceremonies will take place online, due to the fact that meetings with more than three attendants are prohibited. We are currently still investigating the options for activities without an online alternative, such as laboratory sessions and some exams. Please refer to the FAQ on for the most current information.
Critical processes guaranteed
Everyone works from home, except a few staff members that are responsible for the critical processes. E.g. IT staff members who are guarding the IT infrastructures and who have to make sure that all systems and applications continue to run, or technical staff responsible for building management, security, lecturers who are recording lectures, and press officers. Even here, the rule 'only if necessary' applies.
Extension Binding Study Advice (BSA)
Students who are prevented from meeting the requirements of the Binding Study Advice (BSA) for their study programme due to the coronavirus will be given an extension. They will have the opportunity to achieve the BSA standard requirements in the academic year 2020-2021. These changes were announced by the Minister of Education on 19 March, following discussions with the VSNU, the organisation of universities in the Netherlands.
Erasmus University Rotterdam is doing everything in its power to ensure that education and examinations continue in the coming period. We will offer additional facilities to limit the impact of the COVID-19 measures on study progress.
The Executive Board has discussed the BSA with the Vice-Deans Education and the staff and student participation bodies and has decided the following:
- Students who meet the BSA standard for their programme within the 2019-2020 academic year will, of course, receive a positive binding study advice this academic year.
- Students who started their studies in the academic year 2019-2020 (without a personal circumstances status) and with regard to whom, based on their study progress and in accordance with the Teaching and Examination Regulations of their programme, it could already be concluded before the coronavirus outbreak in the Netherlands that they would not meet the BSA standard at the end of the academic year 2019-2020, will receive a negative binding study advice as planned.
- Students who are prevented from meeting the BSA standard for their programme at the end of the academic year 2019-2020 due to the corona crisis will be given an extension (i.e. the binding study advice will be postponed).
- Students with a postponed advice will still receive a positive binding study advice if they have met the BSA requirements of the first academic year at the end of the academic year 2020-2021. In addition, students are expected to draw up a study plan in consultation with the study advisor to ensure sufficient study progress will be made in the second year. Furthermore, the regular study guidance rules will apply.
- For current second-year students (who started their studies in the academic year 2018-2019) who already received a postponed BSA advice last year, customisation can be offered for assessment by the BSA-Committee/Examination Board of the faculty. Please contact your study advisor about this.
In accordance with the regulations of our university, an exception may be made, given the exceptional circumstances. And the situation with the coronavirus is indeed an exceptional circumstance. We hope that this decision will provide enough clarity and take away our students' concern. We also hope that, despite the corona crisis, everyone will be able to continue their studies as well as possible.
Again, please refer to the website for updates and the FAQ. Furthermore, the FAQ for staff members and students offers a guide on how to start with online learning and working from home.
If you have any questions and/or comments, please follow the instructions below.
Students can contact the Service Desk for advice at (010) 408 88 80 or use the online form, available at Employees and managers can contact the HR Corona Helpdesk for information:
To be together: one community
We cannot emphasise enough that we are very proud at your flexibility and ability to handle the situation. We say this on behalf of the deans and the directors.
We are, and we will continue to be, one university and one community. We help each other out, even when we are all working from home now. We advise you to keep in touch with other, using the different online channels available. Take care of the people in your neighborhood. We need each other now more than ever!
The Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Rutger Engels
Roelien Ritsma van Eck
Hans Smits