On 10 June 2021, the International Center for Financial Law & Governance (ICFG) organised an online seminar on the challenges of Big Data. Amongst others, Annika Galle, Assistant Professor of Financial Law at Erasmus School of Law and Academic Director ICFG, and Emanuel van Praag, Professor of Financial Technology and Law at Erasmus School of Law and attorney at HVG Law, spoke about the way in which these challenges can be addressed in practice.
Big Data has become indispensable for financial institutions. The volume, variety and speed of data has greatly increased. There is data that financial institutions already had, but recently have been able to properly access them. In addition, there are new data sources in an absolute sense. These developments lead to new legal, compliance and ethical challenges. These challenges were discussed during the seminar of the International Center for Financial Law: 'The (un)limited future of Big Data'.
Watch the full (Dutch) seminar 'The (un)limited future of Big Data' below.