Teresa Bazarra Urquidi (27) studied Journalism and Humanities at the University Carlos III of Madrid and is now doing her master’s in Arts, Culture and Society at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (EUR). Her passion and goal: bringing seemingly contrasting worlds together in a way that helps people and society. We spoke to her about the impact of the Erasmus Trustfonds Scholarship on her career.

What’s with the contrasts in your life?
(Laughs) Yes, I love those! I think that is why I studied Journalism and Humanities back in Spain. It was really hard for me to decide. I was attracted to different worlds, but in the end, I realized they had so many things in common. Take the creative and cultural industries, for example. They obviously need people who know what to communicate and how to convey their message. I think that if you learn skills and values that are shared between different worlds, both worlds will benefit.
For the same reason I am now doing my Master’s in Arts, Culture and Society. The subject may seem really broad and really wide, but in the end, I think this specific curriculum makes a lot of sense. Not only are the cultural and arts industries very cross-disciplinary themselves, you also need people with the strategy and cultural management skills, who at the same time have an understanding of the sociological motives and the needs of audiences.

What led you to Erasmus and what does the scholarship mean for you?
After getting my degree, I worked as a cultural manager in a theatre company, as a journalist in a radio station, and as a consultant in a creative agency. In 2023 I started a cultural newsletter highlighting accessible and interesting cultural events in Madrid. That is when I realized I wanted to devote my career and my time to bring arts and culture closer to people. When I enter a museum, a bookstore, or a library, I feel right at home and really safe. I want to create the kinds of spaces that are like shelters to me.
Unfortunately, a cross-disciplinary approach is not so common in cultural management post-graduate studies in Spain. I was looking for different master’s across Europe and then I found this one. It felt exactly right, so I applied and got accepted! Incredible news, obviously. But then I was like: How am I actually going to afford this? I had applied for a scholarship, but did not consider my chances to be very high.
Then, after two months, I got an email. I remember I was lying sick in bed and I checked my mail on my laptop with just one eye open. When I read that my scholarship was approved, I jumped out of bed. I think that immediately cured me! It was even better news than getting accepted for the master’s itself.

How did your master’s influence your future focus?
It inspires me a lot. Erasmus has a high rate of international students and there are so many people from different countries and educational backgrounds together in one classroom. And I love how we are encouraged to actually apply what we are studying.
The only drawback is that I am now more open than ever to all the possibilities. But I narrowed it down to three different paths: being part of a cultural mediation team in a cultural institution or museum, focusing on arts education or audience participation. Or working on creative and sustainable urban planning projects, like cultural public policy design. Or just in actual cultural hubs. But also maybe in an international context, working for an NGO. Oh, is that more than three? (Laughs)
What is your reason for supporting the Erasmus Charity Run?
I want to show where the funds go by giving a voice to the people that receive them. In light of the recent government cuts in higher education, I want to highlight the significance of the Erasmus Trustfonds Scholarships. With public education receiving less and less support from the government, these scholarships are essential.
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The Erasmus Charity Run is a fundraising run where you raise money for students whose dream is to study at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Together with fellow participants you run for a good cause where you also raise money for Scholarship Students.
Do you also want to help fund scholarships for talented students like Teresa? Support one or more participants of the Erasmus Charity Run via this link.
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