Talent takes centre stage during Transfer of Rectorship

‘Making the Most of Talent’: that is the theme of the ceremonial Transfer of Rectorship, which will be held on Friday, 15 June 2018. On that day, Professor Huibert Pols will hand over the office of Rector Magnificus of Erasmus University Rotterdam to the incoming Rector, Professor Rutger Engels.

A university is a unique meeting place for talent. But how do we make the most of all that talent? How do we facilitate our talented students and researchers? Both Professor Pols and Professor Engels will address this theme. In addition, two guest speakers will share with the audience their individual views on developing and harnessing talent: Dr Payal Arora (ESHCC) and Professor Liesbeth van Rossum (Erasmus MC).

Erasmus University has set up the Huibert A.P. Pols Talent Fund as a farewell gift, in order to support young, talented students and researchers.

Prof.dr. Huibert Pols is stepping down because of his retirement. He has been Rector Magnificus of Erasmus University since 8 November 2013. Professor Engels is currently President of the Board of Directors of the Trimbos Institute (since 2014) and Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the faculty of the University of Utrecht.

Rutger Engels has been appointed as Rector Magnificus for a period of four years. He will join Erasmus University on 1 May, 2018. Also, Rutger Engels will be appointed as Professor at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (ESSB).

The ceremony starts at 15:30 (please take your seat before 15:15). More information and registration: www.eur.nl/transferofrectorship.

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Press Office Erasmus University Rotterdam, +31 10 4081216 or press@eur.nl

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