On Friday December 9, 2016, the new special issue 'Black Gender' of the journal Historica, tijdschrift voor gendergeschiedenis will be officially presented during the festive symposium 'Black History & Gender', organized by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. During the symposium, dr. Marijke Huisman, a former member of the Center for Historical Culture, will present a paper on the Dutch feminist publishing company Sara (1976-1987) and how to write an inclusive history of the second feminist wave. The symposium tries to bring together research on Black History and gender history. In addition, the subject of Black Gender touches upon the current debate on racism in the Netherlands. An overview of the programme can be found below.
• Nancy Jouwe, MA, independent researcher and activist
The Black, Migrant & Refugee Women’s Movement in the Netherlands
• Dr. Marijke Huisman, Assistant Professor Utrecht University
Towards an inclusive history of the second feminist wave in the Netherlands. The feminist publisher Sara (1976-1987)
• Lonneke Geerlings, MA, promovendus VU
Lily Golden (1934-2010), an Afro-Soviet historian
• Wendeline Flores, BA, masterstudent VU
Surinamese and Antillian student movements in the Netherlands (1950-1975)
Participants are encouraged to register beforehand, by sending an email to: a.j.m.geerlings@vu.nl. This symposium is a collaboration between Historica, tijdschrift voor gendergeschiedenis and CLUE+
The programme of 'Black Gender' immediately follows the symposium on biography and transnationalism, which will be held in the morning at the same location (09:30 to 15:00 hrs). This symposium is organized by the expert group 'Unhinging the National Framework: Platform for Life-Writing and Transnationalism'. Entrance is free, but participants are required to register by sending an email to b.boter@vu.nl.