Prof.dr. Susanne Janssen, professor of Sociology of Media and Culture at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC), has been appointed by the Board of Directors of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) as a board member of the NWO domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) from 1 March 2024. Congratulations!
As an NWO board member, she aims to contribute to strategic themes such as the role of social and humanities sciences in interdisciplinary research agendas, international collaboration, and fostering a healthy research culture. Janssen is the first NWO SSH board member of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
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About Susanne Janssen
Susanne Janssen has fulfilled numerous managerial and organizational positions in national and international bodies and partnerships. She is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Council for the Humanities and serves as a board member of the Research School for Media Studies (RMeS) and the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for the Governance of Diversity and Migration. She was the founding academic director of the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication, and Culture (ERMeCC, renamed ERMeCHS in 2023). In her capacity as the founding dean of the Department of Media and Communication at EUR, she spearheaded the development of various successful international degree programs.
Susanne Janssen has extensive experience in international comparative research and multidisciplinary collaboration. Her research and publications cover various themes in the field of culture, media, and society. Her ongoing research focuses on the implications of diversity and digitalization in the media and cultural sectors, socio-cultural differences in media use and cultural participation, and the relationship between cultural participation and well-being.
- Professor