On Sunday 14April 2013 almost 100 students and staff of Erasmus School of Economics participate in the Marathon Rotterdam for charitable organisation 'Playing for Success'. This event is part of the 100th anniversary of Erasmus School of Economics on 8 November 2013.
In collaboration with Like2Run (organizer of the Marathon Rotterdam) a special Erasmus league is created Teams of four people are allowed to compete in a special competition, where they all have to cover the distance of 10 kilometers. For the real die-hards it's possible to run the whole distance of a marathon on their own. All runners raised a minimum sponsor fee in order to participate.
The collected funds of the Erasmus Charity Run will benefit 'Playing for Success'. This charitable organisation supports children with learning difficulties to increase their performance on Dutch language, calculation and ICT. The children underperform, while with a little help they are able to excel. Playing for Success also creates confidence on the side of the children.
From September 2013 onwards, Erasmus School of Economics organizes a wide range of activities and events during the academic year 2013-2014. The chosen centennial theme '100 Years of Impact' refers to the moments of impact on economy and society of the past hundred years. Increasing the synergy between university, industry and government is of great importance. During this centennial celebration the city of Rotterdam will strongly be involved, through conferences and business meetings. We invite our partners in Rotterdam to celebrate this milestone with us.
- More information
For more information please contact:
Jan-Willem Glaubitz - Coordinator Marketing & Communications Centennial
Erasmus School of EconomicsT 010 408 95 66
M 06 549 713 48
E glaubitz@ese.eur.nlI www.ese.eur.nl/100
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