Students help at Intensive Care unit

erasmus mc

Medical and nursing students support nurses at the intensive care unit (ICU) of Erasmus MC. After a one-and-a-half day crash course, a total of 120 students get to work supporting the ICU staff in tasks such as washing patients.

Medical student Bart is one of the new so-called care support staff. Why did he sign up? "You learn a lot in a short time, because you are in situations where you would never be otherwise. And it is necessary", he tells in a report of EenVandaag.

Medical student Merve tells RTV Rijnmond that you enter a totally different world in the ICU. And that is not always easy, she explains: "Some situations do come up. For example, the moment I saw a sick patient for the first time and saw family members come in crying. At that moment, I myself could hardly keep it in. You get used to it, but it's not easy.”

Reducing pressure

Working in intensive care can be impressive, so the students are well guided. “We will take good care of them", IC nurse Sandra de Boer tells Amazing Erasmus MC. With the new wave of corona patients, it is once again all hands on deck in the care sector, and the hope is that the students will ease the pressure on the IC nurses a little.

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