Student minister Daisy Ruijter presents coalition agreement "Ready for the future" to rector

On Tuesday morning, student minister Daisy Ruijter presented the coalition agreement of the student cabinet entitled "Ready for the future" to Rector Frank van der Duijn Schouten. Daisy's contribution to the coalition agreement is further explained in an article from Erasmus Magazine.

Law student Ruijter is Minister of Inclusive and Sustainable Economy in the first 'student cabinet'. The cabinet is an initiative of the VSNU university association to draw the attention of a truly new cabinet to the contribution that academic research can make to solving current issues such as climate change and a healthier economy. Each university nominated a student who was given a ministerial post within the cabinet and came up with a ministry appropriate to the university's discipline.

Mentors help with sustainable projects

In her chapter of the coalition agreement, Ruijter argues not only for more attention to climate change but also to pay attention to disadvantaged groups in society, such as families with lower incomes and young employees. For example, she proposes appointing mentors at municipalities who involve the population in sustainable projects and give them the opportunity and the network to implement them.

Every university a minister

Daisy Ruijter has been a member of the student cabinet since March 29. In addition to a number of existing ministerial posts (Social Affairs, Foreign Affairs), there is also a Minister of Lifelong Development (Open University) and a Minister of The New Delta Works (TU Delft). The Prime Minister is from the University of Twente.

More information

The entire article of Erasmus Magazine can be read here

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