Jelsye Mendes Correia (18) works as a Student Ambassador at our university. During open days, student for a day events, or visits to secondary schools, she and her fellow Ambassadors are the face of her study of law and our university. What exactly does a Student Ambassador do? And what is her drive to do this work?
Before Jelsye started her law studies, she visited a number of open days and student for a day activities. That is how she first met Study Ambassadors, who ultimately helped her make her choice of study. “I hesitated for a long time between law and psychology. As soon as I saw the counsellors, I thought: if I study, I want to give information too. It's the perfect opportunity to help other people who are also in doubt about their choice of study.”

From general information sessions to open days
Meanwhile, the second-year law student has been working with great pleasure as an Ambassador for about eight months. But what exactly do you do when you provide information? “As a Student Ambassador you are assigned to various information activities,” Jelsye explains. "For example, there is the general information session, for which you visit secondary schools. Recently I went to the Libanon Lyceum, a secondary school in Rotterdam.”
In addition, there are the open days and student for a day activities. “On an open day, you often stand behind a stall and answer questions from parents and students about your studies. Student for a Day Activities are slightly different. Students first follow a lecture, then work on a case, after which we provide information about our studies. We conclude with a tour of the campus."
Jelsye is learning a lot herself
Apart from the fact that Jelsye, as Student Ambassador, likes to help hesitant students, she also learns a lot from the work. “You learn to develop your communication skills by approaching people. You also learn to be a good presenter. That is your main task as an Ambassador. I think it is important to be able to present well and it is fun too. Being an Ambassador gives me the opportunity to develop myself more in this area.”
“If students have doubts about something, you can have an individual conversation about it. In this way you make the giving of information very personal”
One of the other aspects Jelsye enjoys most about providing information is the opportunity to talk to students and ask them questions about their choice of study. “If students are still in doubt about something, you can start a conversation about it. In this way, you make the provision of information very personal, and you can really help them with the questions or doubts they have. For example, if someone asks what the difference is between studying in Utrecht and in Rotterdam, then you have a personal moment to give them advice.”
For students who are considering working as Ambassadors, Jelsye has another tip: "Make sure you let your enthusiasm for your studies shine through in your work. Students who watch the presentation quickly pick up on your enthusiasm. It makes them open up more quickly when you, for example, start an individual conversation with them.”
- More information
Would you like to represent your study programme just like Jelsye? Sign up as a Student Ambassador. Who knows, maybe you will be helping prospective students with making the right study choice next year!
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