Stephan Klein awarded with grant from the Stichting Herdenking Slavernijverleden 2013

Dr. Stephan Klein has been awarded with special grants from the Foundation for the Remembrance of Slavery 2013 and the Erasmus Trustfonds for the NWO project 'Dynamic heritage education in the Netherlands' (applicant and supervisor prof.dr. Maria Grever). The grant (20.300,- EURO) will be used to build an educational website for students in secondary education on the topic of the transatlantic slave trade and slavery. The project is a collaboration between different partners in the field of academic research and public history: the Landelijk Expertisecentrum Mens- en maatschappijwetenschappen (University of Amsterdam), EUROCLIO, the National Institute for the Study of Dutch Slavery and its Legacy (NiNsee), and the Tropenmuseum. 

See this website for more information..

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