Dr. Sangkyun (Sean) Kim will be leading a seminar on the Korean Wave and its relation to tourism at ERMeCC.
On July 1, 2015, Dr. Sangkyun (Sean) Kim, Senior Lecturer in Tourism Studies at Flinders University in Australia, will be leading a seminar for PhD students and interested researchers on the topic of the Korean Wave (Hallyu) phenomenon and its relation to tourism. Over the past decade, the success of the South Korean cultural and creative industries has turned South Korea into a prominent force in East Asian and global popular culture. This has made a considerable impact on a variety of cultural practices, from music fandom to tourism, and has changed the relationship that South Korea has with its neighbors and the rest of the world. Dr. Kim will be presenting new work on the topic, looking at how the Korean tourism industry and government has reacted to this phenomenon, alongside discussion of the Korean Wave and its impact on tourism.
Dr. Kim"s research focuses on tourism and popular culture including film tourism, food, identity and tourism, tourist behaviors, tourism and the community, and research methods in tourism studies. He is highly recognized in the field, with more than 20 journal publications in leading international tourism and other disciplinary journals. He is also sitting the editorial board of four tourism journals.
This seminar is sponsored by ERMeCC (Erasmus Research Center for Media, Culture, and Communication) and NeFCA (Netherlands and Flanders Communication Association). It will take place on July 1, 2015, from 15:00-17:00 in room M7-39. Attendance is free, but please register by sending an email towaysdorf@eshcc.eur.nl before June 28.