Royal Distinction for Philosopher Henk Oosterling

Henk Oosterling appointed Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau by the king.
Henk Oosterling krijgt speldje op

King Willem-Alexander has appointed Henk Oosterling Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau. The retired associate professor of philosophy was presented with the royal decoration by deputy mayor Natasha Mohamed-Hoessein on Wednesday 18 September, during the 15th anniversary of the Vakmanstad Foundation.

Oosterling (1952) received the award for his significant contribution to the education of children in vulnerable Rotterdam neighbourhoods, improving their future prospects and increasing parental involvement.

Vakmanstad Foundation

As co-founder and chairman, Oosterling worked to build up the Vakmanstad Foundation. Founded in 2008, this foundation focuses on day programming in primary education in vulnerable neighbourhoods in Rotterdam-Zuid. By 2024, Rotterdam Vakmanstad will offer teaching programmes at nineteen schools in Rotterdam. The emphasis is on ecological wisdom, health and social-emotional development within subjects such as judo & aikido, healthy cooking lessons, gardening and nature lessons, technology and philosophy. Students' parents are also actively involved in the programme.

By discovering and developing their passions and talents, the children grow into physically strong, socially resilient, and mentally resilient individuals, improving their future prospects. The subject teachers also teach them to take care of themselves, others and the world. In this way, Vakmanstad contributes to an inclusive society in which people and nature have central roles.


Oosterling was appointed director in 2011 and was subsequently active as a (paid) consultant. Since 2019, he has been an unpaid member of the Advisory Board. What he started at the Bloemhofschool has grown under his leadership into an organisation with 40 staff who reach about 2,300 children with the education programme. 34 schools in Rotterdam-Zuid provide 10 hours of extra teaching per week. Stichting De Verre Bergen finances 20% of the budget, with the rest coming from the Rotterdam education sector.

Social commitment

Oosterling is also active for Foundation VoedselEducatie010, which provides healthy school breakfasts and lunches. He supported the founding and shaping of the foundation and now acts as an advisor.

Oosterling is also committed to Founation Iedereen aan Boord, a neighbourhood initiative on Noordereiland. He co-wrote the initiative's vision, advises the board and makes his network available for projects. He is also a member of the Sustainable Deck working group, which works to realise sustainable housing and collaborates on the realisation of neighbourhood hubs.

The Order of Orange-Nassau

Established in 1892, the Order of Orange-Nassau has had six degrees since 1996: Knight Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, Knight and Member. For an appointment to the Order of Orange-Nassau, individuals are eligible who have made a special contribution to society.


Dr. Henk Oosterling gaf in zijn academische carriere colleges over ecofilosofie, kunst en filosofie en Franse differentiedenkers zoals Foucault, Derrida en Deleuze & Guattari.

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