Richard Paap awarded the prestigious title 'Distinguished Author'

Richard Paap, professor of Econometrics and Marketing at the Erasmus School of Economics, has been awarded the title 'Distinguished Author' by the Journal of Applied Econometrics (JAE). Until now there have only been two individuals which have been awarded this title in 2013. In 2002 JAE awarded a similar title to Philip Hans Franses, professor Applied Econometrics and Marketing Research at Erasmus School of Economics, together with Sir Clive Granger.

Richard Paap holds a PhD (cum laude) in Econometrics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is coordinator of the bachelor program Econometrics and Operations Research and coordinator of the master program Quantitative Marketing. He is research fellow of the Tinbergen Institute and Member of ERIM. His main research interest is Bayesian Econometrics with applications in the field of macroeconomics and Marketing. His research had been published in several scientific journals in the field of Econometrics, Economics, Marketing and Statistics. He also wrote two books which are published by Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press.

More information
  • Click here for the relevant pages in the Spring Newsletter 2013 of the Journal of Applied Econometrics

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