Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) strives to make positive societal impact. To reinforce this mission of our university in the coming years, the temporary role of Strategic Dean Impact & Engagement has been created. Prof. Arwin van Buuren will take up this challenge as of April 1, 2024.
In his new role, Arwin will further drive the EUR-wide impact strategy, ensure connection and report on its progress. It is a temporary role, linked to Erasmus University Rotterdam's current and new strategy, which -for now- spans a period of four years. The assignment for the Strategic Dean Impact & Engagement has been jointly formulated by the Executive Board and College of Deans. The Strategic Dean will advise the Executive Board and the Deans on the themes of impact and engagement.

Strengthen and leverage our relationship with our society
Arwin van Buuren: "I am very honored to take on this important new role. I am convinced that our university can play a major and positive role in the many challenges at hand. We have already made great progress in that regard. As far as I am concerned, it is very important that we as a university show that we add value and really take responsibility for the problems society is struggling with."
In doing so, Arwin emphasizes the importance of collaboration: "It is crucial that we strengthen and leverage our relationship with society - our engagement - to expand the impact of our education and research. This is something I am eager to get started on, and I look forward to shaping this not only together with the Executive Board and the deans, but especially with the entire EUR community."
Arwin also remains affiliated to the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) for two days a week in his role as Professor of Public Administration. In the coming months, he will wind down and hand over his role as director of the Department of Public Administration and Sociology.

The Executive Board (EB) is pleased with the appointment. Prof. Annelien Bredenoord, rector magnificus EUR: "Erasmus University Rotterdam wants to make a positive contribution to society and make impact. Not as a knowledge institute at a distance, but in the middle of society. We have already achieved a lot with our organisation-wide strategy, but as Strategic Dean Impact & Engagement, Professor Arwin van Buuren will strengthen this focus even more in the coming years. Arwin is a true connector and stands out because of his clear vision and broad expertise on this subject.”
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