Today, British prime minister Theresa May gives her long-awaited speech about her Brexit-plans. In this interview held in September, professor of European Law Fabian Amtenbrink talks about the effects of the Brexit on the European power relations, the British economy and a possibility of a Nexit. ‘Personnally I’m not happy about the Brexit, but professionally this is, in a certain way, great.’
Great, because it’s such an interesting development in the field of European law. ‘This has never happened in the history of the European integration. Instead of expanding, the exact opposite is happening.’
According to Amtenbrink, several scenarios are now possible for the UK. One of them is to become a member of European economic space, such as Norway. The same rules of the internal market apply to these countries. But this also means: the free traffic of people and workers, which the UK specifically does not want.
The more probable scenario is that Britain will try to make their own trade agreement with the European Union, just like the United States and Canada. The problems with that: it takes many, many years, and a national parliament within the EU can decide not to agree – take, for example, the agreement with the Ukraine that was voted against by the Dutch in a referendum.
Want to learn more? Watch the full interview here!