Four PhD researchers from the Erasmus Graduate School of Law have produced a podcast series in which EGSL PhDs discuss topical legal issues with senior experts. The junior researchers (pictured): Josje de Vogel, Priskila Penasthika, Mathijs Giltjes, Eva Nissioti and Liam Wells, explain their research topics to professors from within Erasmus University and to external experts. These include: Professors Xandra Kramer and Louis Visscher; Assistant Professors Johan Vannerom and Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko; and industry expert Piebe Teeboom from FIA EPTA.
Listen to all published episodes here
Law Out Loud is funded by the Erasmus Graduate School of Law, and each episode is produced and edited by EGSL PhD researchers: Liam Wells, Josje de Vogel, Sophia Paulini and Georgia Antonopoulou. The grant - of 5000 euros - was awarded by the EGSL following their success in the ‘Call for Ideas’ competition of 2019. Five episodes are recorded or in production for Series One, and the producers will soon be seeking applications from junior discussants for Series Two. The episodes in series one cover a broad range of topics.
- Josje and Johan: Consumer Protection and Private Lease Models in the Mobility Sector
- Tita and Xandra: Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts
- Mathijs and Piebe: High Frequency Trading in Financial Markets
- Eva and Louis: Economic Insights on Private Adjudication and Collective Settlement
- Liam and Elena: Risk Perception, Nudging and the Regulation of Vaccines

Episode 3: Mathijs and Piebe: “High Frequency Trading in Financial Markets”
Episode 3 of Law Out Loud is the latest episode in Series One. PhD researcher Mathijs Giltjes challenges financial regulation expert Piebe Teeboom – Secretary General of FIA European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) - on several issues relating to high frequency trading in financial markets. What is high frequency trading and what role does it play in modern financial markets? Can high frequency trading increase risks for market manipulation or insider dealing in some cases?
The discussion in the episode touches upon both the benefits and risks posed by high frequency trading. This practice, made possible by algorithmic trading technology, is argued to provide liquidity to markets where that is sorely needed, and to cut transaction costs, increasing efficiency. On the other hand, some have expressed concern that firms engaged in high frequency trading may profit from market volatility - including during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Whilst some traders find they have an edge due to the adoption of new technologies, others feel they are left behind. The question arises whether those at the front of the technology race should be restrained by law. Is further regulation needed? In episode three of Law Out Loud, Mathijs challenges Piebe on various tricky aspects related to high frequency trading and is met with some well-argued responses.
Host: Liam Wells
Junior: Mathijs Giltjes
Senior: Piebe Teeboom