In a monthly interview series, the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Initiative will turn the spotlights on their PhD candidates. This edition: Heleen Tiemersma.
Marieke Buijs is the very first winner of the new Hermes Kring London Thesis Prize. Her master's thesis “Nudging in tax law: A push in the right direction?” was…
The monthly Open Stage Night by Studium Generale and ESN Rotterdam. Music, Spoken word, everything is possible as long as it fits at the Erasmus Paviljoen.
Erasmus University's motto is "Creating positive societal impact". The new (video) series "Impact in Sight" shows concrete examples of how to evaluate this
Professor of Economics of Taxation Peter Kavelaars appeared at a broadcast of BNR Nieuwsradio to discuss the arguments surrounding a decision of the Dutch
Thomas Peeters, Sports Economist at Erasmus School of Economics, elaborates on the increasingly common phenomenon of football players taking a large share in fo
Real Estate & Facilities arranges the management and maintenance of buildings on the Woudestein, EUC and ISS campus, all facilities and security, so that
During the Week of the International Student (16-21 nov) we will introduce you to 5 international students who studied at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Today,…