We asked two thinkers to weigh in: Nizar El Manouzi, a double-degree student of medicine and philosophy, and prof. dr. Marli Huijer, former Philosopher Laureate…
It is an accepted premise that whatever the reasons we decide to learn a new language, our ultimate success depends on the strength of our motivation. Or does…
Marieke Meeuwisse researches diversity and inclusivity in colleges. Two elements that seem to play a significant role in the progress of students are gender and…
In consultation with the Executive Board, Dean Prof. Victor Bekkers from Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) has appointed Prof. Gabriele…
Collegevoorzitter Kristel Baele presenteerde de strategie tijdens de Opening Academisch Jaar. Ook werd stilgestaan bij studentenwelzijn en er werden diverse…