The Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), together with Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb and Alderman Said Kasmi, have officially launched EUR’s new…
Ivo Arnold, Professor of Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, wrote an opinion piece in het Nederlands Dagblad after the news of the Wirecard scandal.
When people are dying, from a global pandemic, poverty and/or racist brutality, what is the point of big and abstract words like ‘sustainability’, ‘justice’,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, together with other leading academic institutions from all over the world, has signed a Joint Statement on international academic…
Billions of euros are being coughed up to help KLM. Floris de Haan, senior researcher in Air Transport Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, believes that…
Antonio Schettino is coordinator of the Open Science Community at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He explains why the shift towards Open Science is important.