Investors fear a new corona outbreak which is noticeable on the stock exchanges.The focus is just as much on a second wave of infections as on the development…
Infographic showing results of findings based on interviews with 577 Syrian refugees in Germany and Turkey about their needs and aspirations. World Refugee Day.
Potable water from the Amsterdam canals. Considering the number of bicycles that are annually fished out of the canals, it seems like a stretch. But Aquablu has…
The Black Lives Matter movement has a major impact all over the world. Martin de Jong is thinking in terms of long-term strategies and practical actions to…
In addition to those marching in the streets, we would like to recommend films to better understand the systemic racism that’s rampant in America and all over…
The Supervisory Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has appointed Professor Ed Brinksma to be the next President of the university’s Executive Board.