According to André den Exter, associate professor of Health Law at Erasmus School of Law, vaccination should remain a voluntary choice, but it is possible to…
Arjen Schep, professor by special appointment of Local Government Taxes at Erasmus School of Law, in TV program Kassa about the WOZ valuation problems.
Ruben Houweling, professor of employment law at Erasmus School of Law, provides a legal context for the discussion about the use of non-competition clauses in…
‘Smart’, ‘eco’ or ‘future’ cities? What is the difference between these labels? A study reveals ‘sustainable city’ has been most popular, but 'smart city' has…
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Hogeschool Rotterdam (HR), Albeda and scientists from Erasmus Medical Centre (EMC) launch rapid COVID-19 testing pilot.
Erasmus Love Lab (ELL) is a new and unique interdisciplinary research lab within EBL where scientific expertise in the fields of intimate relationships, love…
The lack of any political decision regarding the cultivation of GMOs is an underestimated hinderance in the debate on this subject, concludes Ruth Mampuys.
“We are committed to improving quality of city life through research. Together with organisations, businesses, policymakers. we are working to create a vital…