On September 23, Nicolas Roussellier (SciencesPo Paris, photo) will open the academic year at the Research School Political History RSPH (Onderzoeksschool Politieke Geschiedenis), the research network for political historians in the Netherlands and Flanders, with a key note lecture on his new publication La force de gouverner. Le pouvoir exécutif en France, XIXe-XXIe siècle. Ido de Haan acts as discussant, Henk te Velde will chair the meeting.
The opening of the academic year takes place in Utrecht on 23 September (16.00 hrs – 17.3- hrs). We are particularly happy that Nicollas Roussellier will speak on his recent, acclaimed publication on the role of the executive power in France La force de gouverner. Le pouvoir exécutif en France, XIXe-XXIe siècle. Political historian Roussellier is known for his groundbreaking book on the French Parliament and he is a Maître de conférences at SciencesPo in Paris. The key note lecture will be in English. Ido de Haan will act as discussant.
The opening is open to research masters, PhD candidates and all staff members political history.
Please register before 19 September by sending an email to: bureau@onderzoekschoolpolitiekegeschiedenis.nl