Nominations open for the 2021 FAME Athena Award

FAME Athena Award dies natalis 2019

This week marks the opening of nominations for 2021's FAME Athena Award. The premier award at EUR for recognising initiatives and individuals who stimulate and encourage female talent within the EUR community.

Over the last decade, this prestigious award has been awarded to some of the leading professionals and academics at EUR. However, for the first time in the history of this award, FAME Athena will look to recognise the important contributions of initiatives to promoting gender equity in the EUR community.

Consequently, that means that all staff and students of the EUR and Erasmus MC working as part of the initiative will be eligible for nomination whether they are women, men, support staff or academic staff.

The FAME Athena prize is presented by the Rector Magnificus during the Dies Natalis, with the 2021 presentation on Monday 8th November 2021. The prize is an original painting by the noted artist, Sofja Wolsky and a certificate signed by the Rector Magnificus and the president of FAME recognising the winner's extraordinary contributions.

You can nominate the initiative with all members included through the webform on MyEUR until Friday 10th September 2021!* The criteria and guidelines regarding the nomination of an initiative can be found in the regulations on the FAME Athena page.

We look forward to receiving your nominations!

The FAME Board and the Executive Board, Erasmus University Rotterdam

More information

Erasmus University Rotterdam and FAME (Female Academics Moving toward Equity) strive for equal representation of female talent. With the Athena Award, FAME aims to celebrate staff members and students who stimulate female talent within the academic environment and are a true example for others.  

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