New year greetings for 2013

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of Ivo Arnold and myself, I wish you all a beautiful, inspiring and healthy 2013! I hope that this will be prosperous year for you, both personally and in work and I’m looking forward to a year of wonderful cooperation together. 

2013 is for Erasmus School of Economics a very special year: 100 years ago, the Nederlandse Handels-Hoogeschool was established, thus being the base of Erasmus School of Economics and the Erasmus University Rotterdam, as we know it today. In 2013 there will be a variety of festivities and events to celebrate this milestone, which could had never been achieved without the efforts of you and your predecessors.

Looking back on a century of history, it may be stated that Erasmus School of Economics has a strong foundation of 100 years of Economic Science while simultaneously showing the ability to renew and adapt to the demands of the time. That is an achievement in itself and one to be proud of!

In 2012 the society developed in many ways. The economic crisis dominated the news, politics reacted to it and economists where frequently asked for further clarification, explanation and understanding. A number of our colleagues were thus frequently in the news and other media. Both in this way, as through our scientific research, the role of knowledge valorisation is increasing.

This is the first academic year that we expect our students to achieve all credits: Nominal=Normal. We expect a lot of our students and have confidence in the results. The start of both the new Bachelor  International Bachelor of Econometrics and Operations Research as the masters  Behavioural Economics, Economics of Management and Organisation and Policy Economics, we respond to the call for new opportunities for students and researchers. 

In the research field, several prestigious publications have been made.  With 12 of our colleagues in the Top 40 of Economists, including four ranking 2, 3, 4 and 6, the Erasmus School of Economics scores high. Several colleagues received prestigious grants, which is a great achievement. The support staff contributed indispensable on the impact of our faculty, now almost a century old. The already initiated closer cooperation between Science and Support Staff, has continued. 

In September, the Centennial Office started to prepare the celebration of our 100 Anniversary in 2013. During Christmas Drinks, the first impression of what we can expect, was revealed. In 2013, we show that ESE cares, ESE learns, ESE inspires en ESE celebrates! 

Colleagues, thank you all for your commitment and confidence. I wish all of you a very good 2013, in which Erasmus School of Economics’ impact of the past 100 years, will be continued with new strength and energy!

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