The number of water points on campus was recently expanded with three new points. Students, employees, and visitors can now tap water for free at four different locations on the campus. This initiative contributes to a healthier and more sustainable campus.
Fill your water bottle at four tap points
The number of water points on campus has been expanded with three new points, bringing the total amount of waterpoints to four. The goal of these additional water points is to make it easier for students and employees to refill their own bottle, instead of buying a plastic bottle at the store. This helps to reduce the number of single-use plastic bottles. By offering sustainable alternatives to plastic, we can make an impact and reduce the plastic soup together.
Healthy, sustainable, and affordable
Tapping water at the water points ensures a win-win-win situation. Drinking fresh water from the water points is just as healthy and safe as drinking bottled water, and it’s healthier than drinking juices or soda.
In addition, tapping fresh water reduces CO2 emissions. This is because fewer single-use plastic bottles need to be produced and end up in the trash. This video shows that we’re talking about huge numbers of plastic bottles. By filling your water bottle at one of the water points, you can make a difference and help reduce the plastic soup. This way, you’ll contribute to the goal of the EUR to become one of the most sustainable universities in the Netherlands.
In addition, tap water is completely free. Drinking tap water is not only less damaging to the environment, but also to your wallet. Especially now that you pay a deposit for plastic bottles.
Where are the water points located?
To determine the location of the new water points, we identified places on campus where many students or employees gather and where there are junctions with cyclists and pedestrians. Now, wherever you are on campus, there is always a water point nearby. All water points on the campus site are indicated on the map below.

Safety and simplicity
The water points belong to KRNWTR, a company that aims to reduce the plastic soup by providing alternatives to single-use plastic bottles. EUR is the first university to offer this type of water points. The water points have an attractive, modern design and can take a beating. The bamboo pillar and stainless-steel decorative frame were given a special treatment for outdoor use.
Each water point is connected to the EUR drinking water network. They are regularly maintained and checked to assure the water is safe to drink. The tapping of water at the water points is quite simple: Just press the button and release it when you’re done! The taps are already functioning, so be sure to go try one soon!
- More information
Questions about the water points? Feel free to contact Project Leader Ben van der Kemp at
For more information about our efforts for a more sustainable food supply, visit this page.