New approach to measuring impact of advisory services in developing countries

Erasmus School of Economics and LEI Wageningen have joined forces to conduct a 5-year research project on the activities of two agencies of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PUM and CBI. These agencies provide advisory services to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in over 60 developing countries. The project, called PRIME (Pioneering Real-Time Impact Monitoring and Evaluation in small and medium enterprises), will involve five years of data collection from a large number of SMEs and support organisations.

In cooperation with LEI Wageningen, ESE researchers such as Dr Karen Maas, Prof. Dinand Webbink and PhD candidate Job Harms, will be using the acquired data for scientific research into the (socio-)economic effects of advice offered to organisations in developing countries. The 5-year project has to result in a more efficient approach and an improved evaluation methodology for organisations engaged in private sector development in developing countries. ESE will contribute to the project bringing in their knowledge and expertise on (policy) evaluation, social impact measurement and Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability issues.

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