National Economics Olympiad – 16 December 2016

On 16 December the first National Economics Olympiad (NEO) will take place. The NEO is a problem solving competition open to third year bachelor and master students having a background in or affinity with economics.

The main goal of the NEO is to create a platform for talented academic students and provide them an opportunity to show their talent. This NEO is organized by the study association AEclipse in cooperation with Erasmus School of Economics and ESB. Prominent professors from many different Dutch universities offered their knowledge and experience to accomplish this prestigious event.

During the Olympiad students will compete in an exam about various economic topics in teams of three. All participants will receive a certificate of participation. The best students will get a financial compensation, the opportunity to go an exclusive event at the ministry of economic affairs and an additional winner’s certificate with their respective positions. We are honoured to have prof. dr. K.H.W. (Klaas) Knot, the president of the Dutch Central Bank, among us for the awards ceremony.


More information

More information about this event can be found on the website of the National Economics Olympiad.

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