More intensive partnership between Excelsior and Erasmus University

Excelsior Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus Sport plan to intensify their partnership in the coming years. The Dutch premier division club and the university, neighbours going way back, will be expanding their current cooperation relating to mutual promotion and sharing and developing facilities and knowledge.

In 2013, Erasmus University, Excelsior Rotterdam and Erasmus Sport signed a cooperative agreement. Among others, a Student Cup tournament is played in Woudestein Stadium and there are campaigns to encourage students to attend Excelsior’s home games.

Mutual promotion
The partnership will now be further intensified. The agreement that has now been signed involves three pillars. The first is more mutual promotion, particularly towards students. For example, there will be ‘Erasmus University student seating’ on the Erasmus grandstand at Woudestein Stadium. A student committee will determine and monitor the atmosphere and occupancy. Members of Erasmus Sport will soon be able to buy a season ticket or individual tickets at a special price.

The communication towards students is in two languages, focusing on the growing number of international students at Erasmus University. Many of them already regularly attend home games. Excelsior players and staff will also be used for promotional activities for Erasmus University and Erasmus Sport.

In addition, Excelsior and Erasmus University also plan to work together more intensively with regard to knowledge. Students can do internships in the various departments of the club and Excelsior4All social association, or do their graduation project there. Excelsior will also use the knowledge of EUR students to solve practical issues.

At the start of this season, a ‘student scout’ pilot was launched. Dave Coelers (master student in company law) has been working as a student scout at Excelsior since 1 August 2016. He follows games online from the Danish and Swedish first division, looking out for talented players who might be interesting for Excelsior in the future. Erasmus University will monitor the student scout concept, which may be expanded if it is successful.

The third pillar of the new agreement involves sharing facilities. Excelsior and Erasmus University want to explore whether the land behind the ‘Rob Albers grandstand’ could be used to connect the stadium with the campus.

For a number of years, sports activities have been organised on the grounds and in the stadium of Excelsior during Eureka week. And for some time, the club has been using the parking garage on the campus for supporters of visiting clubs. Squads also regularly use the fitness facilities at Erasmus Sport. 

“This partnership is the logical consequence of the location of Erasmus University and Excelsior Rotterdam,” says director Jon de Ruijter from Erasmus Sport. “We are just a stone’s throw away from each other and literally each other’s neighbour. What’s more, we have plenty to offer and we can do a lot for each other. We’ve been working together for some time and I’m delighted that we will be expanding this partnership further in the coming years.”

“For several years, we’ve been expressly looking for contact with the thousands of students who walk or cycle past our stadium,” adds commercial director Wouter Gudde from Excelsior Rotterdam.

More information

Jon de Ruijter, Erasmus Sport, 010 408 1875

Press information Erasmus University Rotterdam, +31 (0)10 408 1216 or 

Wouter Gudde, commercial director Excelsior Rotterdam, +31 (0)10 404 60 41 /              06 24 65 69 94 or


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