Ministry contributions for science communication

Veelkleurig logo van het KNAW-project 'Gewaardeerd!'

No fewer than eight teams of scientists at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) are being 'Appreciated' for their structural commitment to science communication. This was announced today by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The teams will each receive €10,000 from the 'Gewaardeerd!' fund set up by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

The following EUR projects will receive a contribution from the fund:

  • Diewertje Houtman (Erasmus MC): 'De DNA-dialoog; in gesprek met Nederlanders over het aanpassen van embryo-DNA'.
  • Marion Koopmans (Erasmus MC): 'OHPACT - Predicting Arboviruses Climate Tipping point'International Institute of Social Studies:
  • Thea Hilhorst (International Institute of Social Studies): 'Transformative science communication'
  • Jacco van Sterkenburg (Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communications): 'Science Communication'
  • Stefano Puntoni (Rotterdam School of Management): 'Marketing Management' 
  • Dirk Schoenmaker (Rotterdam School of Management): 'Sustainable Finance'
  • Loes Keijsers (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences): 'Pedagogische wetenschap en praktijk: wederzijdse versterking door brede en doelgroepgerichte wetenschapscommunicatie'
  • Willem Schinkel (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences): 'Erasmus Institute for Public Knowledge'

‘The submissions to Appreciated! make clear for the first time how much researchers are already achieving in science communication and public engagement,’ says the chair of the assessment committee, Academy member Peter-Paul Verbeek (University of Twente). ‘This response implies that the total effort is many times greater, since only one or two teams could be nominated by each faculty and, on top of that, many scientists work on science communication individually.’

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About the fund

Appreciated! is meant for ongoing science communication projects being carried out by teams of scientists. A total of 96 applications have been submitted by 62 faculties, with all Dutch universities participating. Of these, 91 have been awarded funding. Each team has received € 10,000. See the Academy website for a list of the award recipients. The Appreciated! fund is in line with the new approach to recognising and rewarding scientists that was recently introduced in the Dutch knowledge sector. The fund was set up by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and is being administered by the Academy.

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More recognition of excellent researchers at Erasmus University Rotterdam

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