On Wednesday 30 June 2021 Wouter Koolmees, minister of Social Affairs and Employment, is presented the report entitled ‘Transition to a new pension contract in the Netherlands: lessons from abroad’. Onno Steenbeek, Professor of Pension Fund Risk Management at Erasmus School of Economics, together with co-author Benne van Popta analysed major pension transitions in other countries and drew lessons for the Netherlands from this.
The Netherlands on the eve of a major transition to a new pension system
The success of the transition to a new pension system depends on many factors, including legal rules and public support. The report describes among other things observations from abroad that can help in the successful completion of the current pension reforms in the Netherlands. The lessons are based on discussions with and texts from international experts from nine countries that have gone through a similar reform process. The lessons are organised into two categories, namely lessons and observations regarding the reform process and regarding pension design.
The report will be available on the Netspar websiteOpens external after the event.
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For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media and Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics: rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, mobile phone: +31 6 53 641 846.