On Monday 7 February, Robbert Dijkgraaf, Minister of Education, Culture and Science, visited Rotterdam. In the morning, Dijkgraaf and his officials visited the Albeda ROC and Rotterdam University. In the afternoon, it was the turn of Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC. Executive Board chairman Ed Brinksma welcomed the minister at the hospital's location.
Increasing the proportion of young children from under-represented groups
In the discussions, the minister took note of a number of initiatives undertaken by the university. For example, increasing the proportion of young children from underrepresented groups attending university. It was also discussed how the well-being and success of these children can be improved and supported later at university. The increased workload and well-being of students and staff were also discussed. For the Minister, this was a confirmation of what has already been publicised several times.
Bringing top scientists together
Of course, the transdisciplinary plans of TU Delft, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam were an important part of the discussions. The institutes have joined forces in the Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness Center to prepare society for future pandemics and disasters. In this centre, top scientists exchange knowledge in the field of pandemic threats and climate-related disasters and the resulting social and societal impact. Also on the agenda were joint initiatives to break the unequal starting position of children and young adults (Healthy Start). In addition, the joint programme 'Resilient Delta' was discussed. The objective is to take an integrated approach to the major social issues that the Rotterdam region is increasingly facing. And in this way, to set an example for regions elsewhere in the world.
In short, a day on which the Minister took in a great deal of information. The day ended with a dinner prepared and served by the students of the Albeda ROC in their restaurant VIPZ.
Fotoalbum bezoek Robbert Dijkgraaf

- More information
Erasmus University Rotterdam, TU Delft and Erasmus MC collaborate extensively: www.eur.nl
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