IDEA Center and staff network Females in Academia Moving towards Equity (FAME) co-hosted a session with menopause expert Sophia Franklin, MD. The talk focused on what menopause is and how it impacts work. Sophia brought in her background as an occupational health physician and medical advisor for the Netherlands Labour Authority.
Round 1.8 million working women in the Netherlands are between 45 and 60 years old and 85% of women experience menopausal symptoms. After discussing the variety of symptoms that may occur, potential medical treatments and workplace interventions were discussed. A take home message was that menopause is an undeniable “stress test” on the human body, and more open discussions are critical to breaking the taboo of talking about it. Nearly 70 employees attended the event. The talk was such a conversation starter that employees continued enthusiastically discussing over drinks.
More people in managerial roles should know what menopause is, what women can experience, how to open up conversations about this, and how everyone can support their colleagues.