Meet the Societal Impact Board of Smarter Choices for Better Health

Promoting better health worldwide through smarter choices - but how can we reach beyond academia? The Erasmus Initiative Smarter Choices for Better Health has the aim to lead societal progress through high-quality research.

Therefore, as of January 2022, we have introduced a Societal Impact Board: young researchers that join forces and translate the ideas of ‘creating positive societal impact’ into actions. What are the unique strengths of Smarter Choices in relation to societal impact? Should the initiative focus its efforts on specific aspects of societal impact? How can structural support societally impactful research better? These are some of the first questions that the Societal Impact Board aims to address.

All action lines united

In this Workgroup, members of the four action lines are united. Included are members that are part of Smarter Choices for Better Health for some years, and new members that have recently joined the Initiative. In this blogpost, we will introduce the four members.

Meet our team!

  • Samare Huls, action line Evaluation of Health Care

    Samare Huls (@samarehuls) is a researcher at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. She is motivated by understanding, analysing and communicating the implications of human behaviour in a data-driven way. The multidisciplinary nature and the great potential for societal impact drove her to become part of Smarter Choices for Better Health in 2017. Samare joined the Initiative as a PhD student and will continue her efforts as a postdoctoral researcher after finishing her dissertation. She has been one of the founding members of the Junior Committee of Smarter Choices (2018-2022) and is eager to step up her game for societal impact.

    Samare Huls
  • Daniëlle Cattel, action line Outcome-Based Health Care

    Daniëlle Cattel is an assistant professor of health economics at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). Her research focuses mainly on the design, implementation, and effects of alternative payment models for healthcare providers. With her research, Daniëlle pursues to contribute to the body of knowledge concerning smarter choices in payment system design. The best part of her job is transferring scientific knowledge to practice enabling hospitals, health insurers, and policymakers to (re)design existing and future provider payment models. Daniëlle is a member of the Societal Impact Committee of SCBH 2.0.  

  • Lili Kókai, action line Prevention

    Lili (@lili_kokai) is a researcher at the Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC. She is currently conducting a multidisciplinary, theory- and evidence-based health behavior change intervention delivered through an app, with potential for societal impact in the field of cardiac rehabilitation. As one of the founding members of the Junior Committee of Smarter Choices (2018-2022), Lili organized meetings, lectures and workshops on how we can increase the initiative's societal impact, and created and managed the web-presence of the initiative.

  • Famke Mölenberg, action line Health Equity

    Famke (@FamkeMolenberg) is a researcher at the Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC. In June 2021, she successfully defended her PhD on the evaluation of local interventions using natural experiments. She conducted her research within the Academic Workplace CEPHIR (Centre for Effective Public Health In the larger Rotterdam area). During her PhD, she was linked to the Research Department of the City of Rotterdam. She has experience in working in close collaboration with local policymakers from the early start of projects to maximize societal impact. Famke joined Smarter Choices in January 2022.

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