On October 29, Marjon Schols' PhD defence will take place in the Senaatszaal. Her PhD thesis "Young, Online and Connected" was supervised by Prof.dr. J. de Haan, Prof.dr. J. Jansz and Prof.dr. V.A.J. Frissen.
"It has become a common sight: young people glued to their screens and oblivious to anyone or anything else. Media researcher Marjon Schols, however, rejects warnings that this behaviour is making young people less social. Her doctoral research amongst thousands of young people shows that everyday online activities have positive effects on social cohesion. Young people who spend a lot of time maintaining online social contacts are more connected to their social networks. They also participate more in society."
Marjon Schols' PhD defence starts at 15:30 in the Senaatszaal (Woudestein, A-building). You can read more about her thesis here.