Maria Grever wins Athena Award

In recognition of her contribution to the promotion of female talent Professor Dr Maria Grever is the very first recipient of the new Athena Award, which will be presented during Erasmus University Rotterdam’s Dies Natalis on Monday 9 November 2015. The award is intended for staff members who have made an exceptional contribution to the promotion of female talent, and as such set an example for their colleagues. The Athena Award was established by the Erasmus Network of Female Professors (ENVH).

The first Athena Award will be conferred to Professor Maria Grever in recognition of – in the words of the jury – “her outstanding contribution to the promotion of female talent within science in general and within Erasmus University Rotterdam in particular”. What the jury appreciates most of all is that over the past few years, so much of Professor Maria Grever’s work has had such tremendous impact and visibility. “She is a real ‘prime mover’, someone who takes the initiative, a champion and a true world-class talent.”

Among other things, in 2008 Grever was one of the initiators of the publication Een carrière in de wetenschap? Hoogleraren aan de EUR over hun vak en hun leven, (‘A Career in Science? EUR professors talk about their field and their life’), which was published by EUR to encourage female students and doctoral candidates to pursue a career in science.
In addition to holding numerous formal positions, Professor Grever has played an important role in the promotion of both young and experienced female talent. This is reflected in her efforts to help female doctoral candidates and members of staff to obtain grants and awards, as well as her work to attract funding for the appointment of female endowed professors. Moreover, according to the jury Grever’s media appearances as a historian have positively contributed to the visibility and public appreciation of female scholars.

About Maria Grever
Professor Dr Maria Grever (1953) has been working as Professor of Theory and Methodology of History at Erasmus School of History, Culture en Communication (ESHCC) since 2000, as well as serving as Director of Erasmus University’s Center for Historical Culture, of which she was also a founder. Her main research interests are historical culture, historical consciousness and historiography; collective memory and identity; history education, popular culture and heritage; political culture, monarchy and gender.

About the Athena Award
Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Erasmus Network of Female Professors (ENVH) strive to achieve parity in the number of male and female staff members. That is why ENVH has decided to establish the annual ENVH Athena Award, named after the Greek goddess Pallas Athena. This award pays tribute to staff members who make an exceptional effort in the interest of female talent and as such form an example for their colleagues. All members of staff of Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC (male and female, support staff and academic staff) are eligible for nomination. The award consists of a custom painting by artist Sofja Wolsky and a certificate that is jointly signed by the Rector Magnificus and the ENVH Chair.

The Athena Award will be presented by Rector Magnificus Professor Dr Huibert Pols and the Chair of ENVH, Professor Dr Hanneke Takkenberg, during Erasmus University’s 102nd Dies Natalis on 9 November 2015.



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