On January 27, Maria Grever opens the exhibition "Rosi the Riveter" in the National Liberation Museum 1944-45.
In her talk, Maria Grever will reflect on the gendered aspects of historical consciousness. In the US, millions of women worked in factories and shipyards during the war to produce munitions and other supplies for the military effort. The profession of 'riveter' was one of the most important ones in the construction of airplanes. To make one B-26 bomber for example, 25,000 parts had to be attached with 300,000 rivets. Through their effort within the war industry, these women helped bring about the allied victory against Nazi-Germany; they literally worked for freedom. Maria Grever will discuss why they take up a vulnerable position within the American collective memory of the war. After her talk, she will open the exhibition together with three Rosies.
More information about the exhibition can be found on the website of the National Liberation Museum and in the documents below.