Let's get sceptical

Scepticism is hot. And so EUR presents a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the subject: The Politics of Scepticism. Can we know the world and ourselves with certainty? And what has a detective to do with scepticism? EUR-philosophers Wiep van Bunge and Tim de Mey take participants on a journey through the history of scepticism – from the ancient Greeks up to today.


A Special Course
MOOC’s are aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. And the Faculty of Philosophy is proud of this particular MOOC, one of the first in the world with a philosophical theme. On location in Rotterdam, Haarlem, Oxford and Hamburg, the course will be about the religious and political consequences of scepticism, as well as the philosophical relevance for science and today’s society. Thanks to sceptic research, argues Van Bunge for example, falsified documents could be exposed in the past. Tim de Mey explains how scepticism and sceptic doubt can be relevant.


The World We Live In
The MOOC is meant to cross the bridge between theory and practice: between fundamental, conceptual problems and direct historical applications. It’s meant for everyone whose interested in one of the most fundamental philosophical issues: how can we justify the cognitive claims about the world in which we live, including its gods, societies and ourselves?



To sign up for this MOOC, go to Coursera!

For more Erasmus MOOCS, click here

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